The Indian government, in its commitment to fostering economic growth and empowering the workforce, introduced the PM Vishwakarma Scheme. This initiative, focusing on vocational education and skill development, aims to equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving job market.

Background of the Scheme

The PM Vishwakarma Scheme originated from the realization that traditional education alone may not be sufficient to meet the demands of modern industries. Launched with the vision of creating a skilled and employable workforce, the scheme sets clear objectives to bridge the gap between education and employment.

Benefits under PM Vishwakarma

PM Vishwakarma is a holistic Scheme that envisages to provide
end-to-end support to the artisans and craftspeople through
the following components:
a. Recognition: PM Vishwakarma Certificate and ID Card
b. Skill Upgradation
c. Toolkit Incentive
d. Credit Support
e. Incentive for Digital Transactions
f. Marketing Support

PM Vishwakarma Certificate and ID Card

The artisans and craftspeople will receive PM Vishwakarma Certificate and PM Vishwakarma ID Card. A unique digital number shall be created and reflected on the certificate and the ID Card. The certificate shall enable the applicant’s recognition as a Vishwakarma and shall make him/her
eligible to avail all the benefits under the Scheme. The PM Vishwakarma Certificate and ID Card will be provided digitally as well as in physical form to the beneficiaries.

Skill Upgradation

The skilling intervention under PM Vishwakarma is aimed at enhancing the capabilities of traditional artisans and craftspeople, who have been working with hands and traditional tools for generations. This intervention consists of three components: Skill Assessment, Basic Training and Advanced Training. The skill upgradation will embed modern tools, design elements and integration with the sector value
chain as its key components of domain skilling. Besides domain skills, skill upgradation will also cover aspects that will enable the Vishwakarma to access other features of the scheme, including usage of toolkits, marketing support, enterprise creation and expansion through credit and benefits of digital transactions.

Skill Assessment and Basic Training

Skill Assessment :

Skill Assessment for all registered beneficiaries will be done to ascertain their existing skill levels. It will be
the first significant activity in the skill upgradation process and by assessing the current levels of skills,
future path of skill upgradation in PM Vishwakarma will be charted in an informed manner. It will be a
simple, short, demonstrative (computer based and/or physical) activity, to make a broad assessment of the Vishwakarmas’ existing skills, familiarity with modern tools and techniques, and any knowledge gaps. The list of beneficiaries undergoing Skill Assessment will be shared with MoMSME so that toolkit incentive can be provided. The assessment will be at the time the Vishwakarma reports at the Training Centre and will precede, Basic Training. It will be conducted at the centres nominated for Basic Training.

Basic Training :

Basic Training is considered essential for improving the skills of all registered Vishwakarmas, and an
eligibility condition for drawing the first tranche of loan. Thus, the purpose of Basic Training will be to enable the Vishwakarmas to improve their skill levels, to avail credit support and upgrade/modernize their
tools. This will lead to improved income levels and proficiency, contemporizing of knowledge, and
entrepreneurship. The training will be imparted in identified skill centres, ordinarily at district HQ/
neighboring districts/ industrial cluster, etc.

Basic Training will be of about 40 hours, over 5-7 days, and will include formalization of
acquired skills (through Recognition of Prior Learning or RPL) and upgradation. Expertise of industry and
associations, community organizations, and knowledge existing in MSDE skill ecosystem has been harnessed to develop customized training programme for each trade/ type of Vishwakarmas, and toolkits.
This will be further refined through consultations with expert institutions of MoRD like NIRD and MoMSME.
Beneficiaries will be upskilled in their trade through exposure to modern tools and best practices, designs, introduction to the larger value chain of the sector; digital, financial, and soft skills; and imbibed with marketing and entrepreneurial knowledge. At the end of the training, the Vishwakarma should be confident to attempt new business practices in their trade, use the tools skillfully and have a concrete plan to utilize the subsequent Rs 1 lakh loan.

The training will be delivered through experienced, certified trainers in a classroom mode (Guru – Shishya Parampara), with training equipment and tools for practical training. Modern training audio-visual tools will supplement the training. Training material for about 40 hours training along with manuals on toolkits, in printed, electronic and audio-visual form will be provided. Master trainers will be experts in the trade and will be sourced from industry and the community. At the end of the basic training, an independent assessment will be conducted, and National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) certification will be provided to successful candidates. The results of the Basic Training will be shared with MoMSME for further disbursement of loans

Board and lodging during the training will be provided free of cost and wage compensation support will be provided in the form of Rs. 500 stipend per day.

The focus of training will be to handhold and facilitate beneficiaries to enhance quality of their products.

Advanced Training

Beneficiaries interested in pursuing further skill upgradation after the Basic Training will be enrolled for Advanced Training of 15 days/ 120 hours or more at designated Training Centres.

Advanced Training will aim at deepening entrepreneurial knowledge so that the Vishwakarmas may feel confident enough to develop into an enterprise from self-employment. Advanced Training will promote deeper understanding of latest technologies, design elements, and enabling value chain linkages with identified anchor industry partners. The subjects of basic training requiring more attention will also be
taken up. Video manuals on toolkits will be provided to the beneficiaries. The beneficiary will be made aware of the second loan tranche upto Rs. 2 Lakh available under the Scheme.

The same process, as described for the Basic Training and RPL will be used for delivery of training, and preparation of resource material for 120 hours. At the end of training, a proper assessment will be done
and NSQF certification will be provided to the successful candidates. Wage compensation support
will also be provided in the form of Rs. 500 stipend per day. Board and lodging during the training will be provided free of cost by the Government.

The outreach, information and mobilization of Vishwakarmas for Skill Assessment, Basic Training and Advanced Training will be done by MSDE in association with the District Implementation Committees, and supervised by the State Level Committee. The information on skill upgradation will be an essential part of outreach and information campaign of the CSCs.

The existing training infrastructure in the MSDE (PMKKs, ITIs, Industry Clusters, Other Centres, etc.); MSME ecosystem, such as MSME Technology Centres, ITI, KVIC, etc.; and facilities of MoRD will be optimally leveraged for conducting Basic Training and Advanced Training.

The data of trained Vishwakarmas at every stage of training cycle will be available on the Skill India digital portal, which will feature regular updates on skilling opportunities and upgradation, study material on lifelong learning, and employment opportunities.

Training Stipend

(i) Each beneficiary will be eligible to receive a training stipend of Rs. 500 per day while undergoing the Basic and Advanced Training programmes.
(ii) Training stipend will be credited to the beneficiaries’ bank account through DBT mode after training completion and certification by MSDE.

Toolkit Incentive

(i) A toolkit incentive of upto Rs. 15,000 will be provided to the beneficiary after Skill Assessment at the start of Basic Training. The incentive will be disbursed to the beneficiaries through e-RUPI/ e-vouchers which can be utilized at designated centres to procure improved toolkits.
(ii) A digital guide and short video tutorials will be provided to Vishwakarmas to familiarize and enable them in skillful handling of the modern tools in their trades. The improved toolkits will enable the Vishwakarmas to enhance their quality and production levels resulting in higher productivity and value for their products

Credit Support

To enhance and support the capabilities of traditional artisans and craftspeople, access to affordable credit under this Scheme will be facilitated. The beneficiary must have undergone Skill Assessment and completed Basic Training to be eligible to avail first tranche of credit support of upto Rs 1 lakh under the
The aim of this component is to provide the Vishwakarmas with easy access to subsidized institutional credit for enterprise development through the following interventions:

Enterprise Development Loan

(i) Under PM Vishwakarma, financial support will be provided to the targeted beneficiaries in the form of
collateral free ‘Enterprise Development Loans’.

(ii) The total amount of loan assistance would be Rs. 3,00,000/- wherein, the beneficiaries can avail the first loan tranche upto Rs. 1,00,000/- and second loan tranche upto Rs 2,00,000/-.

(iii) The disbursal of credit under the Scheme will be linked with attainment of specific milestone of
training. The beneficiary will be eligible for first loan tranche on completion of 5-7 days Basis Training
providing by MSDE

(iv) The second loan tranche will be available to beneficiaries who have availed the 1st tranche and
maintained a standard loan account and have adopted digital transactions in their business or have
undergone Advanced Training. They should have repaid the first loan tranche before availing the
second tranche.

(v) The loan is required to be repaid in monthly installments; the term of repayment is as indicated in
Table below:

TrancheAmount of Loan (In Rs.)Term of Repayment (In months)
1st TrancheUpto 1,00,00018 months
2nd TrancheUpto 2,00,00030 months

Scope and Eligibility Criteria

The scheme caters to a diverse group of individuals, from recent graduates to experienced professionals seeking to enhance their skill set. Eligibility criteria are designed to be inclusive, ensuring that a broad spectrum of vocational skills is covered, ranging from technical trades to creative arts.

Application Process

To avail of the benefits offered by the PM Vishwakarma Scheme, interested individuals need to follow a straightforward application process. The government has streamlined the enrollment procedure to make it accessible to a wide audience. Documentation requirements are kept minimal, facilitating a hassle-free application experience.

Training Modules

Participants in the scheme have access to a variety of training modules tailored to meet the demands of different industries. The curriculum is designed in collaboration with experts to ensure that skills taught align with current market needs. This forward-thinking approach enhances the employability of individuals completing the program.

Skill Development Centers

Skill development centers, strategically located across the country, serve as hubs for learning. These centers are established in collaboration with both private and public institutions, creating a synergy between academia and industry. The emphasis is not just on theoretical knowledge but also on hands-on, practical experience.

Success Stories

Real-life success stories underline the effectiveness of the PM Vishwakarma Scheme. Individuals who have completed the training program report significant improvements in their employability, leading to a positive impact on local employment rates. The scheme has become a catalyst for personal and regional development.

Government Initiatives and Support

The government, recognizing the importance of skill development, provides substantial support to the PM Vishwakarma Scheme. Financial assistance, infrastructure development, and policy backing are crucial components ensuring the smooth implementation and sustainability of the initiative.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite its success, the scheme faces challenges such as geographical disparities and industry-specific demands. The government, in collaboration with stakeholders, continuously works on solutions to overcome these challenges. Adaptive measures ensure the scheme remains relevant and effective.

Industry Collaboration

A key feature of the PM Vishwakarma Scheme is its collaboration with industries. By involving businesses in the design and delivery of training programs, the scheme ensures that the skills taught are directly applicable to real-world scenarios. This not only benefits individuals but also addresses the skill gap faced by industries.

Economic Impact

The economic impact of the scheme is evident in the positive contribution to the country’s GDP and the reduction of unemployment rates. Skill development under the PM Vishwakarma Scheme is not just an individual enhancement but a national imperative for economic growth.

Feedback Mechanism

A robust feedback mechanism is in place to collect insights from beneficiaries. This iterative process allows the government to make continuous improvements, addressing the evolving needs of both individuals and industries.

Comparison with Similar Schemes

While there are other skill development initiatives, the PM Vishwakarma Scheme stands out due to its comprehensive approach and industry collaboration. The scheme goes beyond traditional skill training, incorporating a holistic strategy for personal and professional development.

Future Outlook

The government envisions a future where the PM Vishwakarma Scheme becomes a benchmark for skill development globally. Plans for expansion and enhancement are in place, ensuring that the scheme remains adaptive to emerging trends and technologies.


The PM Vishwakarma Scheme is a transformative initiative that empowers individuals by providing them with the skills needed for a dynamic job market. Through strategic partnerships, government support, and a forward-thinking curriculum, the scheme not only addresses current employment challenges but also contributes significantly to the country’s economic growth.

The PM Vishwakarma Scheme stands as a testament to India’s commitment to growth, innovation, and sustainability. As industries embrace technological advancements and small businesses find unprecedented support, the scheme heralds a new era of economic prosperity. By addressing common queries and providing insights into its implementation, this guide aims to illuminate the path towards a brighter future under the PM Vishwakarma Scheme.

FAQs: PM Vishwakarma Scheme

Q: Who can apply for the PM Vishwakarma Scheme?

The scheme is open to a wide range of individuals, from recent graduates to experienced professionals, seeking to enhance their vocational skills.

Q: How can I enroll in the training modules?

The application process is straightforward. Interested individuals can apply online, and minimal documentation is required for enrollment.

Q: Are there success stories from the scheme?

Yes, numerous success stories highlight the positive impact of the PM Vishwakarma Scheme on employability and regional development.

Q: What government support is available for participants?

The government provides financial assistance, infrastructure development, and policy backing to ensure the smooth implementation and sustainability of the initiative.

Q: How does the scheme compare to other skill development initiatives?

The PM Vishwakarma Scheme distinguishes itself through its comprehensive approach

Q: Is the PM Vishwakarma Scheme Limited to Specific Industries?

No, the scheme is inclusive and spans across various sectors, including manufacturing, technology, and services. Its goal is to foster growth and innovation in a wide range of industries.

Q: How Can Small Businesses Benefit from the Scheme?

Small businesses can benefit through financial support, technical guidance, and market access provided by the scheme. These initiatives aim to level the playing field, enabling SMEs to thrive in a competitive market.

Q: Are There Any Eligibility Criteria for Participation?

While specific eligibility criteria may vary based on the sector, the scheme is designed to be inclusive, catering to a broad spectrum of businesses. Detailed eligibility guidelines are available through official channels.

Q: What Role Does Technology Play in the PM Vishwakarma Scheme?

Technology plays a pivotal role, driving innovation and efficiency across industries. The scheme encourages the integration of advanced technologies to enhance productivity and global competitiveness.

How Does the Scheme Contribute to Environmental Sustainability?

The PM Vishwakarma Scheme promotes sustainable practices by incentivizing eco-friendly initiatives. This includes adopting green technologies and practices that contribute to a healthier environment.

Is the PM Vishwakarma Scheme Limited to Urban Areas?

No, the scheme aims for a widespread impact, reaching both urban and rural areas. This ensures that the benefits of growth and development are distributed across the nation.


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